Friday, June 8, 2007

Hong Kong: Day One

So today was a very busy day indeed. I'll try to recap as much as I can. First, May (one of the Yalies here who is doing Bulldogs in Hong Kong) and I went to McDonalds to grab breakfast. The weather outside was horrible: very rainy and windy. The door to McDonalds actually blew open, and the employees spent a good amount of time trying to shut the door and clean up the flooded floors.

However, the weather cleared up and May and I were able to meet Amy (a fellow Light Fellowship Yalie who lives in Hong Kong). We traveled to Causeway Bay and had lunch at a delicious Shanghai restaurant. After going various malls, we naturally decided to try Mongkok, which is an outdoorsy market that has a lot of cheap, fake, and interesting goods.

May and Amy in front of some of the more interesting "goods":

Later, we visited Festival Walk, a ginormous mall located in Kowloon Tong. Naturally, we decided to go figure skating:

We also ate at this yummy mango place called 许留山 (xu3 liu2 shan1). While eating our mango shakes, we enjoyed taking pictures of us looking like flowers:

For dinner, I headed over to Wan Chai to a restaurant called Thai Farmer. There, I met up with some fellow Chinese University of Hong Kong students who did the YUNA program with me over Spring Break. I also had a chance to meet some of the Yale-China service interns. We had a chance to catch up, chat about Hong Kong life and work, and of course celebrate Faith's 21st birthday.

To end the night, we went to the main expat club/bar area called Lan Kwai Fong. This is the area where there are plenty ibankers and sketchiness (although not as sketchy as the clubs in Wan Chai). There, we headed to a bar called La Bodega to enjoy some mojitos, margaritas, and of course, company. After we sufficiently filled our stomachs with alcohol, we decided to head back for the night. The commute back to the Gold Coast took over an hour and half, but we made it back. Now it's time to hit the sack!


Stanley said...

Mitchell you know soo many people in China...

Nancy Yi Liang said...

Oh, I can see Mitchell's ugly face again. yay.

CLB said...

Looks like you're having a lot of fun already (so far?).