Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hong Kong!

I have arrived safely in Hong Kong! It took a while (12 hours on a plane ride to Tokyo Narita, waiting for 3 hours to transfer planes, and another 4 hour ride from Tokyo to Hong Kong)... but I finally made it. Right now, it's 6:40 in the morning over here, and yes, I am jetlagged.

Currently, I'm staying at the Gold Coast Residences with a friend of mine who is doing Bulldogs in Hong Kong this summer. The apartments are very nice, except they're FAR (by FAR, I mean, a 1-1.5 hour commute from Central - where everything happens in HK). The weather here is REALLY hot and humid, so I try to keep the AC on at all times.

Today, I'll be exploring a bit of HK with Yalies who haven't started working yet, and then there will be a dinner hosted by Yale-China :) Yum, I love free food!

Here are some pics that I took from the Gold Coast apartments (view is from the 7th floor):

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